Thursday, July 19, 2007

Nashville - It's All Country! Who knew?

The first half of our day was long and travel-weary.

We arrived at Newark less than an hour before our flight. We made it through check-in and security and arrived just minutes before we boarded. It was all very rush-rush-rush. Until we sat on the runway for over an hour because of fog. But all of that waiting time just gave us an opportunity to get to know Jakey a little better. Jakey was an overactive vocalizer who also had a penchant for kicking Terry's seat A LOT. The ride was slightly traumatic (to Terry's head) and I wouldn't be too surprised if she actively avoided any and all blond, blue-eyed three-year-olds for some time. Needless to say, Terry was not tearful when she and Jakey had to part ways. Jakey, on the other hand, had never stopped crying in the first place. After we arrived in Nashville, we had a few problems with our rental car, but eventually those too got solved, and we were on our way (for real) to our vacation destination.

Our Rental Car!

Terry spent a few hours with her friend, and later on all three of us (Mom, Terr, and me) went to downtown Nashville and explored for a bit. We walked around, listened to a lot of street performers, and went to a boot store. Eventually, we ended up eating dinner at a place called the Wild Horse Saloon. Here we ate fried pickles and listened to live country music. A word to the wise: Fried pickles are thoroughly delicious, but also thoroughly alien to most people's stomachs. Be careful! Although I have sworn off all fried foods for the rest of the vacation, I already know that I will be tempted again and again. Fried Pickles Are Awesome! Go spread the news. Right now.

The Wild Horse Saloon was also having a live band play. The band, Telluride (weird name, eh?), was having a song videotaped, which means that we heard it throughout our entire dining experience. It was a good song, so it didn't wear on me. The song was a bit antiquated - it was about using a cell phone to make a collect call. Is that even possible?

G'nite y'all.

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